1. Applications 32-bit
- Cryptographic device (Remember, the file is created after installing the application for cryptographic cards will be completed - it will not be possible to sign it.)
Windows 32: C:\Windows\System32\cmP11.dll
Windows 64: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmP11.dll
- ECSigner cloud signature (Remember, that the file is created after installing ECSigner, so if it is not installed - you will not be able to sign it.)
2. Applications 64-bit
- Cryptographic device (Remember, the file is created after installing the application for cryptographic cards will be completed - it will not be possible to sign it.)
Windows 32: C:\Windows\System32\cmP11.dll
Windows 64: C:\Windows\System32\cmP1164.dll
- ECSigner cloud signature (Remember, that the file is created after installing ECSigner, so if it is not installed - you will not be able to sign it.)
- Cryptographic device (Remember, the file is created after installing the application for cryptographic cards will be completed - it will not be possible to sign it.)
- ECSigner cloud signature (Remember, that the file is created after installing ECSigner, so if it is not installed - you will not be able to sign it.)
/Library/Application Support/ECSigner/ECSPKCS11.dylib